Boon Edam Blog

[Podcast] What Are the Risks of a Tailgating Incident at Your Facility?

Most security professionals are aware of the term, “tailgating,” as it refers to an unauthorized user ...
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Revolving Doors Counteract the Wind Tunnel Effect at Buildings

Mitigating the Wind Tunnel Effect with Revolving Doors

Many of us have experienced the wind tunnel effect while entering a building. You confidently walk up to the ...
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Solutions-Based Selling is More than “Good PR”

The security industry’s prime disrupters are the customers, not technology.
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Security Consultant Roundtable: Tailgating Risk Awareness and the Impacts of COVID-19

Without a doubt the biggest trending topic in the security industry right now is COVID-19 and how the various ...
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Optical turnstiles

[Podcast] Are You Making the Wrong Entry Decision for Your Security Goals?

Selecting security entrances for a building or campus is a big decision. Security doors and turnstiles are an ...
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Touchless Entry Without Compromising Security

Due to the global outbreak of COVID-19, business executives are thinking about future changes to their ...
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