Boon Edam Blog

Layered Security Entrances are a Smart Investment for Data Centers

When it comes to securing data centers, there is no room for compromise. With the average cost of building a ...
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Warehouse inventory

Addressing Access Challenges When Repurposing Warehouses

The warehousing landscape is undergoing a transformation spurred by the evolving needs of retail chains and ...
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Secured Entry Solutions Deliver a Warehouse Full of Protection

Distribution, logistics and warehouse facilities house millions of dollars of valuable inventory in transit ...
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Secured Entrances: A Cost-Savings Imperative for Data Centers

Organizations are increasingly looking for ways to do more with less. This basically applies to every aspect ...
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Mantrap portals with multi-factor authentication

Layering Physical Security Entrances to Protect Data Centers

Data centers, and the valuable information they hold, are among the most valuable assets in any organization. ...
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Physical Security in Layers: Turnstile Locations on a Corporate Campus

Physical Security in Layers: Turnstile Locations on a Corporate Campus

A layered physical security approach is the best way to mitigate unauthorized entry and the associated ...
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